A Year of Blind Dates
Megan Carson went on her first real date at age 27. Some might call her a late bloomer. Her first real relationship lasted about three months, and though Megan did not love Chris, she was heart broken when they broke up. She grieved the loss of the relationship, but even more she grieved the loss of who she was in the relationship. She had never met “Megan the Girlfriend,” and once she did, Megan really liked her—and when she was gone, she wanted her back! So what did Megan do? She joined a dating service. A Year of Blind Dates follows Megan's dating adventures in Southern California as she searches for Mr. Right, not just Mr. Right Now. Can Megan trust the dating service to deliver a man of God who will make her laugh and treat her well? This is the story of Megan's search for the man of her dreams, and the good, bad and really, really bad dates along the way.