Evidence For Jesus
When it comes to tough questions about the Christian faith, believers and skeptics want clear and concise answers that bring theology into real life. Ralph Muncaster's Examine the Evidence™ series offers brief, fact-filled presentations that include easy-to-follow charts and graphics to clarify vital points of each issue. Each book draws on the facts of God's Word and the latest scientific, historical, and archaeological discoveries to help answer difficult questions about God, the Bible, and life. What is the truth? Accepting the challenge of "proving" Christ, biblical apologist Ralph Muncaster carefully establishes—How eye-witness and early believer accounts have been preserved, how archaeological discoveries verify and augment biblical facts ,the existence of people mentioned in the Bible, the accuracy of biblical geography, how the church grew in spite of persecution. Evidence for Jesus provides a rich background of history, geography, and biography to bring Christianity—and its founder, Jesus—to life.