Raising Them Chaste: A Practical Strategy for Helping Your Teen Wait Till Marriage

Raising Them Chaste: A Practical Strategy for Helping Your Teen Wait Till Marriage

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Raising Them Chaste-is a practical answer to a real problem-communicating a tender truth in a convincing way-providing a handle for gaining leverage to lift us from the moral quicksand sucking so many downward.

Statistics show the alarming incidence of sexual promiscuity in our society and its devastating consequences. Seventy percent of all American teens have had sex by age eighteen. On the whole, young people in the church show the same trend as unchurched kids.

But statistics also show that parents are in the best position to help children establish and cultivate an internal counterpressure to resist sexual temptation. Authors Richard and Renee Durfield show how it is possible for parents to plant within their children a vision of sexual wholeness and purity that will strengthen their resolve to live with integrity to say no to the world's view of morality and be happy about it.