The Harbinger Decoded DVD
Viewers can see all of the nine Harbingers in visual form as well as such revelations as the mystery of the Shemitah, the mystery ground, and much more, including things never before seen on DVD. The Harbinger Decoded features Jonathan Cahn as he uncovers and decodes the mystery with a stunning array of footage of the unfolding mystery. The DVD also interweaves glimpses of the prophet, Nouriel, and the nine ancient seals of The Harbinger’s narrative. In addition, The Harbinger Decoded contains several special features, including:Most Asked QuestionsEnd-Time ProphecyAmerica and the Last DaysThe (Supernatural) Story Behind the StoryAnd much more!The Harbinger Decoded is a gripping, stunning, and amazing prophetic presentation for believer and unbeliever alike. Perfect for congregations, small groups, and individuals, it’s a powerful tool to help lead unbelievers to salvation and believers to revival.